Table of Contents
As a beginner developer, working with HTML tables can be challenging. One of the most common problems is how to manage large data sets and make them easy to navigate for users. In this article, we will cover the basics of creating HTML table pagination, filtering, and sorting with vanilla JavaScript. We will also provide three different JavaScript libraries that can make the process even more straightforward.
How to Create HTML Table Pagination Filtering Javascript
First, let’s start by creating an HTML table with some sample data. We will give the table an ID of “myTable” and add a header row with some columns. Each row will represent a person with some basic information about them.
Creating HTML Table
Adding Table Tools
Now that we have our table, let’s add pagination. Pagination allows us to break up our table into smaller, more manageable pages. We will add two buttons to our HTML: one for the previous page and one for the next page. We will also add a “placeholder” search input that will allow us to filter the results.
Defining Options for Table
We will now write some JavaScript to handle the pagination and filtering. First, we will get a reference to our table and its body. We will also set some default values for the number of rows per page and the current page.
Creating a Javascript Function to Display Rows
We will now write a function that will display the rows for the current page. It will loop through all of the rows in the table and hide any rows that are not on the current page. We will then show the rows that are on the current page.
Configuring Prev and Next Functionalities
We will now write some event listeners for the “prev” and “next” buttons. When the “next” button is clicked, we will increase the current page and display the rows for the new page. When the “prev” button is clicked, we will decrease the current page and display the rows for the new page.
Filtering Rows with JavaScript
Now, let’s add filtering to our table. Add an event listener to the search input that will filter the rows based on the user’s input. We will loop through all of the rows in the table and check if the row’s text content includes the search input’s value. We will then hide any rows that do not match the search criteria.
Sorting Rows with Javascript
Finally, let’s add sorting to our table. We will add an event listener to each table header that will sort the rows based on that column’s values. We will store the current sort direction in a variable and toggle it between ascending and descending each time the header is clicked.
That’s it! We now have a fully functional HTML table with pagination, filtering, and sorting. You can try it out by copying and pasting the entire code into an HTML file and opening it in your browser.
Ready to Use Javascript Plugins for Pagination and Filtering
In addition to the vanilla JavaScript code we have provided, there are also many JavaScript libraries that can make working with HTML tables even easier. Here are three popular ones:
- DataTables – A popular jQuery plugin for adding advanced features to HTML tables, including server-side processing, column reordering, and multi-column filtering.
- Tabulator – A lightweight, no-dependency library for creating highly customizable HTML tables with features such as virtual scrolling, cell formatting, and exporting.
- Handsontable – A powerful library for creating editable, spreadsheet-like tables with features such as filtering, sorting, and data validation.
- SlickGrid – A fast, customizable library for rendering large datasets in HTML tables with features such as cell editing, column resizing, and row selection.
- Dynatable – A jQuery plugin for adding dynamic, interactive tables to your website with features such as searching, sorting, and pagination.
- Griddle – A React-based library for creating customizable, responsive tables with features such as filtering, sorting, and pagination.
- React Table – A lightweight, extendable library for building customizable, data-driven tables in React with features such as sorting, filtering, and pagination.
- Ag-Grid – A feature-rich library for creating high-performance HTML tables with features such as column pinning, grouping, and aggregation.
- Smart Table – A lightweight, no-dependency library for creating responsive HTML tables with features such as sorting, filtering, and pagination.
- Vue Table – A Vue.js component for creating dynamic, sortable tables with features such as filtering, pagination, and row selection.
While Ending
Managing large data sets in HTML tables can be challenging for beginners. However, with vanilla JavaScript and some basic coding skills, you can create a functional HTML table with pagination, filtering, and sorting. Many JavaScript libraries are available that can help simplify the process even further. Whether you choose to use vanilla JavaScript or a library, it’s important to remember the user experience and ensure that your table is easy to navigate and understand.
Meta Description: Learn how to create a functional HTML table with pagination, filtering, and sorting using vanilla JavaScript. This article also covers three popular JavaScript libraries that can make the process even easier.
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